Yo mañana empiezo las sobrevaloradas vacaciones, y digo sobrevaloradas porque mis vacaciones en realidad se centran en dos dias, espero que no os pase lo mismo! jaja
Bueno como se va acercando la nochebuena y el día de Navidad, he pensado en dedicar esta entrada a una idea original (por supuesto, algo dulce mmm.. ) como es la de decorar galletas!
Ya en la entrada de El Hada de las Galletas os dije lo gracioso que me parecian esta idea, es muy original y además las podeis decorar según el gusto de los invitados.
Primero elegiremos los moldes para dar forma a las galletas.
How are you doing this week?
I am beginning the holiday overvalued, and I say overrated because my vacation really focus on two days, I hope not the same thing happens to you! haha
Well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are coming soon, I thought to dedicate this post to an original idea (of course, something sweet mmm ..) as it is to decorate cookies!
From the entrance of El Hada de las Galletas you how funny I found this idea is very original and you can also decorate according to the tastes of the guests.
First choose the molds to shape the cookies.
The basic thing is to know how decorate them, we'll do with the "royal icing" is a technique based on the decoration of biscuits thanks with egg whites and icing sugar (and food coloring).
Y una vez que le hemos dado la base de color podemos añadirle topping para decorarlos.
And once we have given the colour foundation, we can add for decorative "topping".
I hope you liked and do them in practice to leave impressed the family this Christmas :)
Love, Miss Classic
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